days 32, 33, and 34: my feet are joyfully numb.

my feet hurt, actually their numb from the shoes i chose to wear yesterday. it was tough getting out of bed. my eyes literally felt like they were bleeding this morning. And my legs feel like jello. I take all these things as a sign that my last three days have been some of the most joyful days I’ve ever had.

I got to witness two of the greatest friends get married.

I was blessed to walk alongside them up to this point. I was blessed to be apart of their day. I am blessed to continue to walk and fight and love them to the end of time.

It’s just a really cool thing to see God’s work in both Paul and Marta’s life. While I believe this day had been predestined before time, God was still in that room presently working. And it’s been amazing to see how our Holy, Sovereign God has been working in both of their lives to prepare each of them for marriage. Yea, it’s just really great.

So while my feet are still numb from yesterday’s shoe selection, they are oh so joyfully numb. I’m so grateful for yesterday’s wedding events and I’m so grateful for Paul and Marta and either everlasting, Christ-like love for one another.


A Summer Awesome: Weddings

Weddings are awesome for multiple reasons. Here are just a few reasons that start with the letter ‘f’.

1.) Friends and family: I love getting together with friends and family to hang out and celebrate the awesome couple that we are celebrating. It gives me a reason to travel, to buy a pretty dress and new shoes to match. It is one afternoon that I know most of my friends (and/or family) will be together so instead to trying to figure out a time that works for all of us, we all just show up at the wedding and have fun there!

The crowd that made it to the very end at Kelsi & Hugo's wedding

2.) Food: I am a self-proclaimed foodie and I love trying new eats. I also love, love, love sharing a meal with people. My junior year AP US History teacher once told me that food helps ignite conversation (thus allowed us to bring in snacks to class. Thanks Mr. Britton!). Til this day, I still believe that to be true. I think food does something with your brain to help one communicate (you may confirm or deny this statement, as I’m not exactly sure if it’s 100% true). Weddings normally involve food, thus why I love weddings.

Fun idea: Use the periodic table of elements to help guests remember their drink. I was Na (sodium)

3.) Fancy Footwork: aka dancing! Dancing is probably one of my favorite parts about a wedding. It allows people to shake their groove thang to 90s pop (like N’Sync and Spice Girls) and learn new dances such as Cotton-eyed Joe or the Cupid Shuffle. It’s always awesome to see the bride and groom get down on the dance floor because everything looks more awesome in a fancy dress and nice suit.

Fancy footwork happening at Kelsi & Hugo's wedding

4.) Forever: Weddings are one of the two things that make me cry in an instant. I couldn’t hold back the tears as my friends made a commitment to themselves and God that they will honor, love, respect, lead each other to Christ everyday for the rest of their lives. It makes me feel blessed that I have people in my life who love Jesus with all they have and have entered into one of the most beautiful loves God has created.

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nelson.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Klaers.

Alisa & Eric and Kelsi & Hugo,
thanks for letting me be apart of your wedding days. I am so blessed to have each one of you in my life.

So there you have it folks, an awesome of the summer: weddings. I’d suggest finding friends who are going to have weddings. They are too fun to pass up 🙂